Friday, September 21, 2007

A UK Review of Scarecrow in Gray!

The brilliant historical fiction writer from Cornwall, UK, F.J. Warren, (author of Archelaus Hosken's Dilemma, Broken Bonds and two other novels) recently posted a review of Scarecrow in Gray on Here it is:

The Heart of War (Rating 5 av 5) » F J Warren (not my real name) Barry Yelton has produced a wonderful story depicting the history of his ancestor, Francis Yelton, who fought for the Confederates during the American Civil War.I have read this book and I loved it! I didn't expect to but I did. What would I, one who knows little of the American Civil War, find to enjoy in such a work? Well, Mr Yelton is a beautiful writer and he manages to bring home the horror and futility of the struggle that his hero/ancestor finds himself in. It is such an engrossing tale that you find yourself immersed in the personal struggle that Francis Yelton has to go through. You want him to succeed even when you know that defeat is staring him in the face. The characters in the book come to life on every page. In the past I've read so many books with two-dimensional characterization in them that I almost despair of ever finding a 'human being' leading me through a novel. I had my reward with this book - what a splendid work.

Friday, September 7, 2007

A New Author Friend, David Blixt

I met an author (who is also a Shakespearean actor) on the forum I frequent, "Calling all self-published authors..." and he has written an intriguing book, The Master of Verona, which may be of interest to many. Here is a quote from the Amazon site as quoted in Publishers Weekly (did I leave anyone out?):

"From Publishers Weekly. Upon the death of his elder brother in 1314, Pietro Alaghieri, 17, is thrust headlong into the post of scion to his father, the famous poet Dante, in this rollicking historical debut from Shakespearean actor Blixt. In trying to keep up with his razor-sharp father and their new patron, the scintillating and brilliant Francesco della Scalla (known as "Cangrande"), Pietro finds qualities in himself that surprise him. Cangrande may or may not be the prophesied "Greyhound" who is to cast out evil and usher in a new world under God—many seek the role. Meanwhile, Pietro's two best friends, Mariotto and Antonio, are pushed to the edge of rekindling an ancient blood feud by their joint love of a woman, which stretches Pietro's loyalties to their limits. The precipitous ending, marked with dizzying revelations by the protagonists, do nothing to mar a novel of intricate plot, taut narrative, sharp period detail and beautifully realized characters. (July) Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. "

Sounds like a great book from a talented new author! Congratulations, David.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Perfect title for a blog like this that is often random. A friend recently nicknamed me Beau Rambles. I guess it fits.

Whatever the case, I do wonder about a lot of things, more now that I am north of sixty summers than ever before.

Hae you ever stopped to think about what happens when you reach the edge of the universe? Some theorize that it curves back on itself. I keep thinking, what's outside the curve? Does the physical universe stretch on for infinity or does it just taper out? If it does, what lies beyond.

No doubt questions for far greater minds, but no one has to my knowledge come up with even a decent theory about this. It may be a question that our minds are simply not capable of comprehending. Even the most brilliant of us has a finite mind, with finite capabilities. How can the finite comprehend the infinite?

These things sometimes give me a severe headache (figuratively speaking). But once you hold that thought in mind, about that place that is beyond what we call the universe, how can you again be content with contemplating your navel so to speak? If beyond the edge of the universe is more universe then does it stretch on to infinity? How can physical matter or the place it resides be infinite?

I hope this keeps you up at night once in a while. It makes the problems of our little world seem awfully small.